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What Actually Black Hat Hackers, White Hat Hackers & Gray Hat Hackers Are?

       We all are aware from the term hacking and one who perform this activity is called as hackers. Basically hackers is a skilled computer expert who uses their knowledge (technical) to break the security or just to overcome a security problem.
  There are three types of hackers in the world.
  1. Black Hat Hacker - criminals

  2. White Hat Hacker - ethical hackers who work to protect systems from black hat hackers

  3. Gray Hat Hacker - dabble in both black hat and white hat hackers

Black hat hackers:

       Hacking can be done for any intention that may be good or bad. The Black hat hackers performs hacking for bad intention. They do hacking unethically.
These types of hackers usually hack systems for following gains:

  1. Personal Gain- for example stealing personal data like credit card number, harvesting personal information for sale to identity thieves etc.
  2. Destroy Data – black hat hackers are very dangerous that if anyone or any company they don’t like or they have anger on anyone then they hack their systems or websites and Destroy(like DDOS attack etc.).
  3. Financial Gain – Stealing bank details and you know what will happen next……
Black hat hackers finds “Zero Day” vulnerability and sell it to various criminal organizations in the black market, the example of black market is Dark Web.
Simply the Black hat hackers are those who use their skills and ability for criminal purpose.

White hat hackers:

       White hat hackers are simply opposite to Black hat hackers. White hat hackers are also expert in compromising cyber security but they use their knowledge and ability for good and ethical purpose not for bad purpose.
White hat hackers are also known as Ethical hackers that they use their knowledge in ethical way.

       White hat hackers don’t hack any system or any user’s personal details until and unless they are not allowed to do so. Non of white hat hackers do illegal thing. White hat hackers are hired to perform some hacking attacks to check what’s the problem with the security and how to avoid the attacks. They get rewarded for it.
       You might be heard that most of big companies where high security is provided, those companies security is managed by the groups of white hat hackers.

Gray hat hackers:

      From the name gray hat you get to know that they are not white hat or black hat hackers. Actually it is the combinations of white and black hat hackers.

       You might be confused… but don’t worry I’m here man…
Actually Gray hat hackers can do both ethical and unethical things and it depends on the hackers that what they have to do according to situation. Like they can provide you security and can hack your system or personal data also without your permission.
       In most of cases they first hack your system and then tell you about the vulnerability in your system. But in this case many of gray hat hackers get arrested because they have done it unethically or illegally.
Gray-hat hacker didn’t use their access for bad purposes, they compromised a security system without permission, which is illegal.

So you might be cleared about the term white hat, black hat and gray hat hackers and also you got to know that which types of hacker comes in which category.


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