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In this article we are going to create an antivirus using simply a notepad. It will delete all simple micro viruses in your system.

Type the following code into Notepad:

@ echo off
echo off turn off the active virus
taskkill / F / IM virus1.exe / IM virus2.exe
echo Deleting all of viruses based on size
for / RC: \%% a in (*. exe) do if%% ~ za 157,184 equ del / A: HSRA "%% a"
echo deleting hidden virus
echo for drive c and subfolders
for / R C: \%% a in (*. doc.exe) do del "%% a"
echo for drive d an d subfolders
for / R D: \%% a in (*. doc.exe) do del "%% a"
echo Unhide Documentcd / d c: \
echo for drive C and subfolders
*. doc attribHSA
/ S
cd / d d: \
echo for drive D an d subfolders
*. doc attribHSA
/ S

Here, text in green is alert message and text in red are the program that your system will search for those and delete these files.

Now, Save the file with .bat extension , For example antivirus.bat. then go to command prompt and run the Notepad file.

NOTE: Text in red are the program that your system will search for those and delete these files so don't name it as the file name which is already present in your system otherwise your file will be deleted.


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